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Healing Grabovoi number: 9776409

#grabovoi #healing number #9776409 #have #brave #heart #soul

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Bhagavan 6.1: The Supreme Lord says: Those who perform their prescribed duties without desiring the results of their actions are the true sannyas (tyagi) and yogis, not those who have simply stopped performing yagnas such as Agnihotra yagna or giving up physical activity. BG 6.2: What is called sannyasa is not different from yoga, for one does not become a yogi without giving up worldly desires. BG 6.3: To the soul who aspires to attain perfection in yoga, non-attachment action is called medium; To a sage who is already advanced in yoga, the tranquility of meditation is called medium. BG 6.4: When one is not attached to sense objects or action, such a person is said to be elevated in the science of yoga, giving up all desire for the fruits of action. BG 6.5: Elevate yourself with the power of your mind, and do not degrade yourself, for the mind can be your friend as well as your enemy. BG 6.6: Friends of those who win hearts. The mind of those who fail to do so acts like an enemy. BG 6.7: Yogis who have conquered the mind rise above the dualities of cold and heat, joy and sorrow, and honor and dishonor. Such yogis are calm and steadfast in their devotion to God. BG 6.8: The yogi who is satisfied with knowledge and discrimination, and has conquered their senses, remains undisturbed at all times. Dirt, stone, gold, everything looks the same to them. BG 6.9: Yogis look at all with impartial intelligence - well-wishers, friends, enemies, pious and sinners. The Yogi who is equal-minded towards friend, companion and enemy, impartial between enemies and relatives and impartial between the righteous and the sinner, is considered eminent among men. BG 6.10: Those who seek the state of yoga should live in seclusion, engaged in meditation with controlled mind and body, freed from desires for enjoyment and possessions.
Bhagavan 6.1: The Supreme Lord says: Those who perform their prescribed duties without desiring the results of their actions are the true sannyas (tyagi) and yogis, not those who have simply stopped performing yagnas such as Agnihotra yagna or giving up physical activity. BG 6.2: What is called sannyasa is not different from yoga, for one does not become a yogi without giving up worldly desires. BG 6.3: To the soul who aspires to attain perfection in yoga, non-attachment action is called medium; To a sage who is already advanced in yoga, the tranquility of meditation is called medium. BG 6.4: When one is not attached to sense objects or action, such a person is said to be elevated in the science of yoga, giving up all desire for the fruits of action. BG 6.5: Elevate yourself with the power of your mind, and do not degrade yourself, for the mind can be your friend as well as your enemy. BG 6.6: Friends of those who win hearts. The mind of those who fail to do so acts like an enemy. BG 6.7: Yogis who have conquered the mind rise above the dualities of cold and heat, joy and sorrow, and honor and dishonor. Such yogis are calm and steadfast in their devotion to God. BG 6.8: The yogi who is satisfied with knowledge and discrimination, and has conquered their senses, remains undisturbed at all times. Dirt, stone, gold, everything looks the same to them. BG 6.9: Yogis look at all with impartial intelligence - well-wishers, friends, enemies, pious and sinners. The Yogi who is equal-minded towards friend, companion and enemy, impartial between enemies and relatives and impartial between the righteous and the sinner, is considered eminent among men. BG 6.10: Those who seek the state of yoga should live in seclusion, engaged in meditation with controlled mind and body, freed from desires for enjoyment and possessions.Code
BG 7.11: O best of the Bharatas, among the mighty ones, I am their power devoid of desire and passion. I Sexual activity does not conflict with virtue or scriptural commandments. BG 7.12: The three states of material existence - goodness, passion and ignorance - are manifested by My potency. They are in me, but I am outside them. BG 7.13: Deluded by the three modes of Maya, the people of this world are unable to know Me, the imperishable and eternal. BG 7.14: My divine energy consists of maya, the three modes of nature, which are very difficult to transcend. But those who surrender to me easily overcome it. BG 7.15: Four types of people do not surrender to Me - those who are ignorant of knowledge, those who lazily follow their lower nature though capable of knowing Me, those who are of false intellect and those who are demonic in nature. BG 7.16: O greatest of the Bharatas, four types of pious people are engaged in my devotion—the miserable, the seekers of knowledge, the seekers of worldly wealth, and those situated in knowledge. BG 7.17: Of these, I consider the best those who worship Me with knowledge and are steadfast and devoted devotees of Me. I love them very much and they are very dear to me. BG 7.18: All my devotees are great. But those who are in knowledge, those who are steadfast in heart, whose intelligence is mixed with me and who have made me the best goal, I consider to be my soul. BG 7.19: After many births of spiritual pursuits, one who is possessed of knowledge surrenders to Me, knowing Me alone. Such a great soul is very rare indeed. BG 7.20: Those whose knowledge is carried away by material desires, surrender to the celestial deity. Following their own nature, they worship the gods, practicing rituals to propitiate these divine personalities.
BG 7.11: O best of the Bharatas, among the mighty ones, I am their power devoid of desire and passion. I Sexual activity does not conflict with virtue or scriptural commandments. BG 7.12: The three states of material existence - goodness, passion and ignorance - are manifested by My potency. They are in me, but I am outside them. BG 7.13: Deluded by the three modes of Maya, the people of this world are unable to know Me, the imperishable and eternal. BG 7.14: My divine energy consists of maya, the three modes of nature, which are very difficult to transcend. But those who surrender to me easily overcome it. BG 7.15: Four types of people do not surrender to Me - those who are ignorant of knowledge, those who lazily follow their lower nature though capable of knowing Me, those who are of false intellect and those who are demonic in nature. BG 7.16: O greatest of the Bharatas, four types of pious people are engaged in my devotion—the miserable, the seekers of knowledge, the seekers of worldly wealth, and those situated in knowledge. BG 7.17: Of these, I consider the best those who worship Me with knowledge and are steadfast and devoted devotees of Me. I love them very much and they are very dear to me. BG 7.18: All my devotees are great. But those who are in knowledge, those who are steadfast in heart, whose intelligence is mixed with me and who have made me the best goal, I consider to be my soul. BG 7.19: After many births of spiritual pursuits, one who is possessed of knowledge surrenders to Me, knowing Me alone. Such a great soul is very rare indeed. BG 7.20: Those whose knowledge is carried away by material desires, surrender to the celestial deity. Following their own nature, they worship the gods, practicing rituals to propitiate these divine personalities.Code
BG 8.1-2: Arjuna says: O Supreme Lord, what is Brahman (Supreme Reality), Adhyatma (individual soul) and Karma? Who is called Adhibhuta, and who is called Adhidaiva? Who is exercising in the body and how are you exercising? O Krishna, how will you be known at the time of death with steadfast mind? BG 8.3: The Lord said: The Supreme Immortal Being is called Brahman; Soul is called soul. The activity related to the material personality of the living organism and its development is called Karma or productive action. BG 8.4: O excellent embodied soul, the physical manifestation which is constantly changing is called Advita; The universal form of God, who presides over the heavenly deities in this creation, is called Adhidaiva; I, who dwell in the heart of every living being, am called Pradhyam, or the Lord of all sacrifices. There is no doubt about this. s Mr. 8.6: Whatever he remembers at the time of relinquishment at the time of death, O son of Kunti, always absorbed in such meditation he attains that state. BG 8.7: Therefore, always remember me and do the duty of war. If you surrender your mind and intellect to me, you will surely find me; This, no doubt. BG 8.8: By practice, O Partha, when you always engage your mind in remembering Me, the Supreme Lord, without going astray, you will surely gain Me. BG 8.9-10: God is omniscient, eternal, controlling, subtle to subtle, omnipotent and possessed of inconceivable divine form; He is brighter than the sun and above all the darkness of ignorance. One who, at the time of death, in the restless mind obtained by the practice of Yoga, fixes Prana (prana-vayu) on the forehead and remembers the Lord incessantly with supreme devotion, surely attains Him.
BG 8.1-2: Arjuna says: O Supreme Lord, what is Brahman (Supreme Reality), Adhyatma (individual soul) and Karma? Who is called Adhibhuta, and who is called Adhidaiva? Who is exercising in the body and how are you exercising? O Krishna, how will you be known at the time of death with steadfast mind? BG 8.3: The Lord said: The Supreme Immortal Being is called Brahman; Soul is called soul. The activity related to the material personality of the living organism and its development is called Karma or productive action. BG 8.4: O excellent embodied soul, the physical manifestation which is constantly changing is called Advita; The universal form of God, who presides over the heavenly deities in this creation, is called Adhidaiva; I, who dwell in the heart of every living being, am called Pradhyam, or the Lord of all sacrifices. There is no doubt about this. s Mr. 8.6: Whatever he remembers at the time of relinquishment at the time of death, O son of Kunti, always absorbed in such meditation he attains that state. BG 8.7: Therefore, always remember me and do the duty of war. If you surrender your mind and intellect to me, you will surely find me; This, no doubt. BG 8.8: By practice, O Partha, when you always engage your mind in remembering Me, the Supreme Lord, without going astray, you will surely gain Me. BG 8.9-10: God is omniscient, eternal, controlling, subtle to subtle, omnipotent and possessed of inconceivable divine form; He is brighter than the sun and above all the darkness of ignorance. One who, at the time of death, in the restless mind obtained by the practice of Yoga, fixes Prana (prana-vayu) on the forehead and remembers the Lord incessantly with supreme devotion, surely attains Him.Code
BG 8.11: Vedic scholars describe Him as imperishable; Great ascetics observe the vow of celibacy and renounce worldly happiness to enter Him. I will now briefly explain to you the path to that goal. BG 8.12: By restraining all the gates of the body and fixing the mind in the region of the heart, and then drawing the life-breath to the head, one should be established in steady yogic concentration. BG 8.13: One who leaves the body chanting the chant Om, remembering Me, the Supreme, attains the Supreme Goal. BG 8.14: O Partha, I am easily attainable by those yogis who always contemplate Me with undivided devotion, being constantly absorbed in Me. BG 8.15: Having obtained Me, the great souls are no longer subject to rebirth in this world, which is transitory and full of misery, because they have attained the highest perfection. BG 8.16: In all the worlds of this material creation, up to the supreme abode of Brahma, O Arjuna, you will be subject to rebirth. But O son of Kunti, on reaching my abode there is no rebirth. BG 8.17: One day (kalpa) of Brahma lasts a thousand cycles of four yugas (mahayugas) and his night also extends for the same period. Those who know understand the reality of day and night. BG 8.18: At the advent of Brahma's day, all living beings emanate from the unmanifest source. And at the fall of his night, all embodied beings merge back into their unmanifest source. BG 8.19: Many beings are born again and again with the advent of Brahma's day, and are reabsorbed at the advent of cosmic night, to be automatically manifested again at the advent of the next cosmic day. BG 8.20: This manifest and unmanifest creation has another transcendental, unmanifest eternal dimension. That state does not stop even if everything else is done.

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