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Healing Grabovoi number: 9776409

#grabovoi #healing number #9776409 #have #brave #heart #soul

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BG 18.41: The duties of Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras are distributed according to their merits, according to their merits (not according to birth). BG 18.42: Tranquility, restraint, austerity, purity, patience, honesty, knowledge, wisdom and faith in the Hereafter—these are the inherent virtues of the Brahmins' work. BG 18.43: Valor, strength, fortitude, skill in arms, determination to retreat from battle, large-heartedness in charity and power of leadership, these are the natural qualities of a Kshatriya. BG 18.44: Agriculture, dairying and trade are natural occupations for those endowed with Vaishya qualities. Service through work is the natural duty of a Shudra. BG 18.44: Agriculture, dairying and trade are natural occupations for those endowed with Vaishya qualities. Service through work is the natural duty of a Shudra. BG 18.45: By performing their duty, born from their inherent qualities, man can attain perfection. Now hear from me how one can become perfect bBG 18.46: By performing one's normal occupation, one worships the Creator from whom all living beings are created and by whom the entire universe is pervaded. By performing such actions, one attains perfection by performing his assigned duties easily. BG 18.47: It is better to practice one's own religion, albeit imperfectly, than to practice the religion of others. A man does not sin if he fulfills his natural duty. BG 18.48: O son of Kunti, one should not abandon duty born of nature even if one sees faults in them. Indeed, all efforts are covered by some evil, as fire is by smoke. BG 18.49: Those whose intellect is everywhere unattached, who have mastered the mind, and are freed from desire by the practice of renunciation, attain the highest perfection of freedom from action. BG 18.50: O Arjuna, hear from me in brief, and I will explain how one, who has attained Purna (cessation of action), can also attain Brahman by being firmly fixed in transcendental knowledge.
BG 18.41: The duties of Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras are distributed according to their merits, according to their merits (not according to birth). BG 18.42: Tranquility, restraint, austerity, purity, patience, honesty, knowledge, wisdom and faith in the Hereafter—these are the inherent virtues of the Brahmins' work. BG 18.43: Valor, strength, fortitude, skill in arms, determination to retreat from battle, large-heartedness in charity and power of leadership, these are the natural qualities of a Kshatriya. BG 18.44: Agriculture, dairying and trade are natural occupations for those endowed with Vaishya qualities. Service through work is the natural duty of a Shudra. BG 18.44: Agriculture, dairying and trade are natural occupations for those endowed with Vaishya qualities. Service through work is the natural duty of a Shudra. BG 18.45: By performing their duty, born from their inherent qualities, man can attain perfection. Now hear from me how one can become perfect bBG 18.46: By performing one's normal occupation, one worships the Creator from whom all living beings are created and by whom the entire universe is pervaded. By performing such actions, one attains perfection by performing his assigned duties easily. BG 18.47: It is better to practice one's own religion, albeit imperfectly, than to practice the religion of others. A man does not sin if he fulfills his natural duty. BG 18.48: O son of Kunti, one should not abandon duty born of nature even if one sees faults in them. Indeed, all efforts are covered by some evil, as fire is by smoke. BG 18.49: Those whose intellect is everywhere unattached, who have mastered the mind, and are freed from desire by the practice of renunciation, attain the highest perfection of freedom from action. BG 18.50: O Arjuna, hear from me in brief, and I will explain how one, who has attained Purna (cessation of action), can also attain Brahman by being firmly fixed in transcendental knowledge.Code
BG 18.61: O Arjuna, the Supreme Lord resides in the hearts of all living beings. According to their actions, he refers to the wandering souls, who are seated in a vehicle made of material energy. BG 18.62: Surrender to Him with your whole being, O Bharata. By His grace, you will attain perfect peace and eternal abode. BG 18.63: Thus, I have explained to you this knowledge which is more secret than all secrets. Think about it deeply and then do as you wish. BG 18.64: Hear again My supreme instructions, the most secret of all knowledge. I am publishing this for your benefit because you are very dear to me. BG 18.65: Always think of Me, worship Me, worship Me and bow down to Me. If you do, you will surely come to me. This is my promise to you, because you are very dear to me. BG 18.66: Abandon all forms of religion and surrender to Me alone. I will free you from all sinful reactions; Don't be afraid. BG 18.67: This instruction should never be explained to those who are not austere or those who are not pious. One should also not speak to those who dislike listening (to spiritual matters) and especially not to those who are jealous of me. BG 18.68: Among my devotees, those who teach this secret knowledge do the greatest works of love. No doubt they will come to me. BG 18.69: No man serves Me more lovingly than they; There will be no one dearer than me in this world. BG 18.70: And I declare that those who will study this sacred dialogue of ours will worship me (with their intellect) through the offering of knowledge; This is my view.
BG 18.61: O Arjuna, the Supreme Lord resides in the hearts of all living beings. According to their actions, he refers to the wandering souls, who are seated in a vehicle made of material energy. BG 18.62: Surrender to Him with your whole being, O Bharata. By His grace, you will attain perfect peace and eternal abode. BG 18.63: Thus, I have explained to you this knowledge which is more secret than all secrets. Think about it deeply and then do as you wish. BG 18.64: Hear again My supreme instructions, the most secret of all knowledge. I am publishing this for your benefit because you are very dear to me. BG 18.65: Always think of Me, worship Me, worship Me and bow down to Me. If you do, you will surely come to me. This is my promise to you, because you are very dear to me. BG 18.66: Abandon all forms of religion and surrender to Me alone. I will free you from all sinful reactions; Don't be afraid. BG 18.67: This instruction should never be explained to those who are not austere or those who are not pious. One should also not speak to those who dislike listening (to spiritual matters) and especially not to those who are jealous of me. BG 18.68: Among my devotees, those who teach this secret knowledge do the greatest works of love. No doubt they will come to me. BG 18.69: No man serves Me more lovingly than they; There will be no one dearer than me in this world. BG 18.70: And I declare that those who will study this sacred dialogue of ours will worship me (with their intellect) through the offering of knowledge; This is my view.Code
BG 15.11: Striving yogis too are able to realize the soul enshrined in the body. However, those whose minds are not purified cannot cognize it, even though they strive to do so. BG 15.12: Know that I am like the brilliance of the sun that illuminates the entire solar system. The radiance of the moon and the brightness of the fire also come from Me. BG 15.13: Permeating the earth, I nourish all living beings with My energy. Becoming the moon, I nourish all plants with the juice of life. BG 15.14: It is I who take the form of the fire of digestion in the stomachs of all living beings, and combine with the incoming and outgoing breaths, to digest and assimilate the four kinds of foods. BG 15.15: I am seated in the hearts of all living beings, and from Me come memory, knowledge, as well as forgetfulness. I alone am to be known by all the Vedas, am the author of the Vedant, and the knower of the meaning of the Vedas. The Vedas BG 15.16: There are two types of living beings in creation, kshara (decayed) and akshara (letters). All creatures of the destructible material world. The immortals are the liberated beings.BG 15.17: Besides these, is the Supreme Divine Personality, who is the indestructible Supreme Soul. He enters the three worlds as the unchanging ContrBG 15.18: I am transcendent of the perishable world of matter, even of the imperishable soul; Therefore I am glorified in both the Vedas and the Smritis, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and supporter of all living beings. BG 15.19: Those who know Me without doubt as the Supreme Divine Personality truly have complete knowledge. O Arjun, they worship Me with their whole being. BG 15.20: I have shared this most secret principle of the Vedic scriptures with you, O sinless Arjun. By understanding this, a person becomes enlightened, and fulfills all that is to be accomplished.
BG 15.11: Striving yogis too are able to realize the soul enshrined in the body. However, those whose minds are not purified cannot cognize it, even though they strive to do so. BG 15.12: Know that I am like the brilliance of the sun that illuminates the entire solar system. The radiance of the moon and the brightness of the fire also come from Me. BG 15.13: Permeating the earth, I nourish all living beings with My energy. Becoming the moon, I nourish all plants with the juice of life. BG 15.14: It is I who take the form of the fire of digestion in the stomachs of all living beings, and combine with the incoming and outgoing breaths, to digest and assimilate the four kinds of foods. BG 15.15: I am seated in the hearts of all living beings, and from Me come memory, knowledge, as well as forgetfulness. I alone am to be known by all the Vedas, am the author of the Vedant, and the knower of the meaning of the Vedas. The Vedas BG 15.16: There are two types of living beings in creation, kshara (decayed) and akshara (letters). All creatures of the destructible material world. The immortals are the liberated beings.BG 15.17: Besides these, is the Supreme Divine Personality, who is the indestructible Supreme Soul. He enters the three worlds as the unchanging ContrBG 15.18: I am transcendent of the perishable world of matter, even of the imperishable soul; Therefore I am glorified in both the Vedas and the Smritis, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and supporter of all living beings. BG 15.19: Those who know Me without doubt as the Supreme Divine Personality truly have complete knowledge. O Arjun, they worship Me with their whole being. BG 15.20: I have shared this most secret principle of the Vedic scriptures with you, O sinless Arjun. By understanding this, a person becomes enlightened, and fulfills all that is to be accomplished.Code

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