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Healing Grabovoi number: 1001505650
I am grateful and thankful for the God given power and positive energy of this salt, clove, ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg, activate in immediately into my life, divine healing, divine protection, destruction of all negative harmful energy sent to cause me, my child, my Spiritual Spouse harm and I return ALL intentional negative energies BACK TO SENDER with pinpoint accuracy 100xs over clearing and ensuring a safe, direct, easy, clear, protected, quick path to our greatest success and highest good in this and ALL lifetimes, timelines and life forms in every dimension forever and we are forever Divinely aligned with our greatest and highest good and success with NO ADDED SORROWS...Yes, ALL things work together for our highest good and greatest success expeditiously and we are ALWAYS the BEST version of ourselves on our HIGHEST timeline with no added sorrows. I pray and unleash the power of Psalm 20, 23, 64, 70 and 91 as well as the fulfillment of the Prayer of Jabez in our lives with no grievances as we are also free of ALL sickness, illness, pain, debt, sorrows, defeat, lack and ANY forms of unnecessary negative energy that doesn't serve our highest good and I call BACK to us ALL our good energy, opportunities, monetary gains, love, peace, comfort and blessings that energy harvesters have stolen from us and this is ALL effective IMMEDIATELY AND FOREVERMORE, Asé and Gratitude...I Decree and Declare this DONE and IT IS SO!!! #grabovoi #healing number #1001505650 #grateful #thankful #god #given #power #positive #energy #salt #clove #ginger #cinnamon #nutmeg #activate #immediately #into #my #life #divine #healing #protection #destruction #all #negative #harmful #sent #cause #me #child #spiritual #spouse #harm #return #intentional #energies #back #sender #with #pinpoint #accuracy #100xs #over #clearing #ensuring #safe #direct #easy #clear #protected #quick #path #our #greatest #success #highest #good #lifetimes #timelines #forms #every #dimension #forever #we #divinely #aligned #no #added #sorrowsyes #things #work #together #expeditiously #always #best #version #ourselves #timeline #sorrows #pray #unleash #psalm #as #well #fulfillment #prayer #jabez #lives #grievances #also #free #sickness #illness #pain #debt #defeat #lack #any #unnecessary #doesn't #serve #call #us #opportunities #monetary #gains #love #peace #comfort #blessings #harvesters #have #stolen #effective # #forevermore #asé #gratitudei #decree #declare #done
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