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Healing Grabovoi number: 3397163

16. Outside and within all creatures, moving and immobile, and furthermore exceptionally unobtrusive and boundless, far away yet additionally extremely closer 17. Unified however arranged in the creatures isolated, carrier of creatures yet in addition to be known as the devourer and illuminator. 18. Among the enlightened the very light , past the dimness It is supposed to be. Information, to be known and the finish of all information, It is in the hearts of all. 19. Consequently the body (the matter) and furthermore the information and the understandable all made sense of momentarily. My fan who knows this by that understanding accomplishes My State. 20. Prakriti (the Inventive energy) and Purusha (the unadulterated awareness) realize that they had absolutely no start . All mutilations and characteristics know for certain emerge out of Prakriti as it were. 21. To perform activities just is supposed to be Prakriti. Purusha is for delight and agony to appreciate just, it is likewise said. 22. Purusha alone situated in Prakriti partakes in the characteristics delivered by Prakriti. As a result of relationship with the gunas (characteristics), the division of the real world and illusion take birth. 23. The Administrator, Controller, Carrier, Enjoyer, the Incomparable Master, the Preeminent Soul for sure is supposed to be. In the body (he is) Purusha, the supernatural. 24. Any one who knows consequently Purusha and furthermore Prakriti with the Gunas (characteristics), disregarding his current ways, will at no point ever brought into the world in the future. 25. By dhyana (reflection) atma (soul) is capable. Some the Super soul by the lower self. Others through Yoga of Information. The rest through the Yoga of Activity. 26. Others without knowing (these techniques), hearing from others love (Me). They likewise rise above death through consistent hearing. 27. Anything that takes birth even minutely, unadulterated, moving and stationary, is because of the association of the Kshetra (matter) and Kshetragna (awareness). Know it accordingly, O Best of Bharatas. 28. The Master of the Universe is laid out similarly in every living being, as the indestructible in the destructible. He who sees along these lines truly does truly see. 29. Seeing Him similarly all over, the Master arranged similarly on the whole, he doesn't corrupt his Self by his self and he will arrive at the supernatural state. 30. He who sees Prakriti alone playing out every one of the activities and the Self as the Non-practitioner truly does really see. 31. At the point when he sees the huge number of different creatures joined in One and spread there from, he achieves Brahman. 32. Since He is everlasting, without characteristics, this supernatural and unlimited soul, while abiding in the body, neither does anything nor gets trapped, O Child of Kunti. 33. As the ubiquitous sky, on account of its unobtrusive nature, doesn't get entrapped, the Spirit additionally isn't snared in the body however present all over the place. 34. Similarly as the sun enlightens the entire world, the Spirit enlightens the entire body, O Bharata. 35. The contrast between Kshetra (matter) and Kshetragna (awareness), whoever sees with his eyes of intelligence and furthermore the freedom of the being from the hands of Prakriti, realize that they go the Incomparable as it were. Consequently, closes the thirteenth part named The Yoga of the Field and the Knower of the Field in the Upanishad of the heavenly Bhagavad-Gita , the information on Unquestionably the, the yogic sacred writing, and the discussion among Arjuna and Ruler Krishna.
#grabovoi #healing number #3397163 #outside #within #all #creatures #moving #immobile #furthermore #exceptionally #unobtrusive #boundless #far #away #yet #additionally #extremely #closer #unified #however #arranged #isolated #carrier #addition #known #as #devourer #illuminator #among #enlightened #very #light # #past #dimness #supposed #information #finish #hearts #consequently #body #matter #understandable #made #sense #momentarily #my #fan #who #knows #understanding #accomplishes #state #prakriti #inventive #energy #purusha #unadulterated #awareness #realize #they #had #absolutely #no #start #mutilations #characteristics #know #certain #emerge #perform #activities #just #delight #agony #appreciate #likewise #said #alone #situated #partakes #delivered #result #relationship #with #gunas #division #real #world #illusion #take #birth #administrator #controller #enjoyer #incomparable #master #preeminent #soul #sure #supernatural #any #one #disregarding #his #current #ways #will #point #ever #brought #into #future #dhyana #reflection #atma #capable #some #super #lower #self #others #through #yoga #rest #activity #without #knowing #these #techniques #hearing #love #me #rise #above #death #consistent #anything #takes #even #minutely #stationary #because #association #kshetra #kshetragna #accordingly #o #best #bharatas #universe #laid #similarly #every #living #being #indestructible #destructible #sees #along #lines #truly #does #see #seeing #him #over #whole #doesn't #corrupt #arrive #playing #non-practitioner #really #when #huge #number #different #joined #spread #there #achieves #brahman #since #everlasting #unlimited #while #abiding #neither #nor #gets #trapped #child #kunti #ubiquitous #sky #account #its #nature #get #entrapped #spirit #isn't #snared #present #place #sun #enlightens #entire #bharata #contrast #between #whoever #eyes #intelligence #freedom #hands #go #closes #thirteenth #part #named #field #knower #upanishad #heavenly #bhagavad-gita #unquestionably #yogic #sacred #writing #discussion #arjuna #ruler #krishna

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