Healing numbers & codes generator

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Healing Grabovoi number: 3414489

111. And even if We had sent down unto them angels, and the dead had spoken unto them, and We had gathered together all things before their very eyes, they would not have believed, unless Allah willed, but most of them behave ignorantly. 112. And so We have appointed for every Prophet enemies – Shayatin (devils) among mankind and jinns, inspiring one another with adorned speech as a delusion (or by way of deception). If your Lord had so willed, they would not have done it, so leave them alone with their fabrications. (Tafseer Qurtubi, Vol.7, Page 67) 113. (And this is in order) that the hearts of those who disbelieve in the Hereafter may incline to such (deceit), and that they may remain pleased with it, and that they may commit what they are committing (all kinds of sins and evil deeds, etc.). 114. Say (O Muhammad ) “Shall I seek a judge other than Allah while it is He Who has sent down unto you the Book (The Qur’an), explained in detail.” Those unto whom We gave the Scripture the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel) know that it is revealed from your Lord in truth. So be not you of those who doubt. 115. And the Word of your Lord has been fulfilled in truth and in justice. None can change His Words. And He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower. 116. And if you obey most of those on earth, they will mislead you far away from Allah’s Path. They follow nothing but conjectures, and they do nothing but lie. 117. Verily, your Lord! It is He Who knows best who strays from His Way, and He knows best the rightly guided ones. 118. So eat of that (meat) on which Allah’s Name has been pronounced (while slaughtering the animal), if you are believers in His Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.). 119. And why should you not eat of that (meat) on which Allah’s Name has been pronounced (at the time of slaughtering the animal), while He has explained to you in detail what is forbidden to you, except under compulsion of necessity? And surely many do lead (mankind) astray by their own desires through lack of knowledge. Certainly your Lord knows best the transgressors. 120. Leave (O mankind, all kinds of) sin, open and secret. Verily, those who commit sin will get due recompense for that which they used to commit.Code
#grabovoi #healing number #3414489 #111 #even #we #had #sent #down #unto #them #angels #dead #spoken #gathered #together #all #things #before #their #very #eyes #they #would #have #believed #unless #allah #willed #but #most #behave #ignorantly #112 #appointed #every #prophet #enemies #– #shayatin #devils #among #mankind #jinns #inspiring #one #another #with #adorned #speech #as #delusion #way #deception #your #lord #done #leave #alone #fabrications #tafseer #qurtubi #vol7 #page #113 #order #hearts #those #who #disbelieve #hereafter #may #incline #such #deceit #remain #pleased #commit #what #committing #kinds #sins #evil #deeds #etc #114 #say #o #muhammad # #“shall #seek #judge #other #than #while #has #you #book #qur’an #explained #detail” #whom #gave #scripture #taurat #torah #injeel #gospel #know #revealed #truth #doubt #115 #word #been #fulfilled #justice #none #change #his #words #all-hearer #all-knower #116 #obey #earth #will #mislead #far #away #allah’s #path #follow #nothing #conjectures #do #lie #117 #verily #knows #best #strays #rightly #guided #ones #118 #eat #meat #which #name #pronounced #slaughtering #animal #believers #ayat #proofs #evidences #verses #lessons #signs #revelations #119 #why #should #time #detail #forbidden #except #under #compulsion #necessity? #surely #many #lead #astray #own #desires #through #lack #knowledge #certainly #transgressors #120 #sin #open #secret #get #recompense #used #commitcode

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