Healing numbers & codes generator

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Healing Grabovoi number: 3747572

Jesus Christ I confess and I proclaim that You are my Saviour and Lord over my life. I proclaim that the stripes You bore on the Cross at Calvary, has established You "my Redeemer." I repent for every relative connected to my family ancestry who has deliberately, or without spiritual wisdom sinned against my God Jehovah, or His people. I realize that all sin will be judged one day and that each one of us is accountable for what we have said, or done, but I am repenting for my families sins in that I shall be released from any curse these sins may have produced against me. I atone for every family member from my heritage who has entered onto sinful paths and who has opened doors never before opened giving satan greater influence over their lives and the lives of their children. I intercede the Blood of Jesus Christ, and I command the roots of these curses that have engrafted themselves against me and my family members to be uprooted and destroyed in the same way that Jesus had spoke words against the fig tree in Matthew 21:19,20, and that tree withered up and died. Let these curses die now in Jesus Mighty Name. Father, your Word says Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law, having been made a curse for me. Therefore, I break and command every generational curse and their manifestations of sicknesses, diseases, dysfunctional lifestyles, failed marriages, character flaws, financial poverty, spiritual oppression, addictions, death and destruction off myself, past generations and all future generations, in Jesus’ name. I place the cross between all past generations and myself. Every curse and assignment must stop at the cross, in Jesus’ mighty name. Thank you Lord that I am now free from any and all generational curses in Jesus Name! Amen.
#grabovoi #healing number #3747572 #jesus #christ #confess #proclaim #you #my #saviour #lord #over #life #stripes #bore #cross #calvary #has #established #"my #redeemer" #repent #every #relative #connected #family #ancestry #who #deliberately #without #spiritual #wisdom #sinned #against #god #jehovah #his #people #realize #all #sin #will #judged #one #day #each #us #accountable #what #we #have #said #done #but #repenting #families #sins #shall #released #any #curse #these #may #produced #me #atone #member #heritage #entered #onto #sinful #paths #opened #doors #never #before #giving #satan #greater #influence #their #lives #children # #intercede #blood #command #roots #curses #engrafted #themselves #members #uprooted #destroyed #same #way #had #spoke #words #fig #tree #matthew #withered #up #died #let #die #now #mighty #name #father #your #word #says #redeemed #law #having #been #made #therefore #break #generational #manifestations #sicknesses #diseases #dysfunctional #lifestyles #failed #marriages #character #flaws #financial #poverty #oppression #addictions #death #destruction #off #myself #past #generations #future #jesus’ #place #between #assignment #must #stop #thank #free #amen

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If you have any problem please consult your doctor, pharmacist or a specialist of your problem.
