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Healing Grabovoi number: 60157057

62. And We tax not any person except according to his capacity, and with Us is a Record which speaks the truth, and they will not be wronged. 63. Nay, but their hearts are covered (blind) from understanding this (the Qur’an), and they have other (evil) deeds, besides, which they are doing. 64. Until, when We grasp those of them who lead a luxurious life with punishment, behold! They make humble invocation with a loud voice. 65. Invoke not loudly this day! Certainly, you shall not be helped by Us. 66. Indeed My Verses used to be recited to you, but you used to turn back on your heels (denying them, and with hatred to listen to them). 67. In pride (they Quraish pagans and polytheists of Makkah used to feel proud that they are the dwellers of Makkah sanctuary Haram), talking evil about it (the Qur’an) by night. 68. Have they not pondered over the Word (of Allah, i.e. what is sent down to the Prophet ), or has there come to them what had not come to their fathers of old? 69. Or is it that they did not recognize their Messenger (Muhammad ) so they deny him? 70. Or say they: “There is madness in him?” Nay, but he brought them the truth i.e. “(A) Tauhid: Worshipping Allah Alone in all aspects (B) The Qur’an (C) The religion of Islam,” but most of them (the disbelievers) are averse to the truth. 71. And if the truth had been in accordance with their desires, verily, the heavens and the earth, and whosoever is therein would have been corrupted! Nay, We have brought them their reminder, but they turn away from their reminder. 72. Or is it that you (O Muhammad ) ask them for some wages? But the recompense of your Lord is better, and He is the Best of those who give sustenance. 73. And certainly, you (O Muhammad ) call them to a Straight Path (true religion Islamic Monotheism). 74. And verily, those who believe not in the Hereafter are indeed deviating far astray from the Path (true religion Islamic Monotheism). 75. And though We had mercy on them and removed the distress which is on them, still they would obstinately persist in their transgression, wandering blindly. 76. And indeed We seized them with punishment, but they humbled not themselves to their Lord, nor did they invoke (Allah) with submission to Him. 77. Until, when We open for them the gate of severe punishment, then lo! They will be plunged into destruction with deep regrets, sorrows and in despair. 78. It is He, Who has created for you (the sense of) hearing (ears), sight (eyes), and hearts (understanding). Little thanks you give. 79. And it is He Who has created you on the earth, and to Him you shall be gathered back. 80. And it is He Who gives life and causes death, and His is the alternation of night and day. Will you not then understand? 81. Nay, but they say the like of what the men of old said.Code
#grabovoi #healing number #60157057 #we #tax #any #person #except #according #his #capacity #with #us #record #which #speaks #truth #they #will #wronged #nay #but #their #hearts #covered #blind #understanding #qur’an #have #other #evil #deeds #besides #doing #until #when #grasp #those #them #who #lead #luxurious #life #punishment #behold #make #humble #invocation #loud #voice #invoke #loudly #day #certainly #you #shall #helped #indeed #my #verses #used #recited #turn #back #your #heels #denying #hatred #listen #pride #quraish #pagans #polytheists #makkah #feel #proud #dwellers #sanctuary #haram #talking #about #night #pondered #over #word #allah #ie #what #sent #down #prophet # #has #there #come #had #fathers #old? #did #recognize #messenger #muhammad #deny #him? #say #“there #madness #him?” #brought #“a #worshipping #alone #all #aspects #b #c #religion #islam” #most #disbelievers #averse #been #accordance #desires #verily #heavens #earth #whosoever #therein #would #corrupted #reminder #away #o #ask #some #wages? #recompense #lord #better #best #give #sustenance #call #straight #path #true #islamic #monotheism #believe #hereafter #deviating #far #astray #though #mercy #removed #distress #still #obstinately #persist #transgression #wandering #blindly #seized #humbled #themselves #nor #submission #him #open #gate #severe #then #lo #plunged #into #destruction #deep #regrets #sorrows #despair #created #sense #hearing #ears #sight #eyes #little #thanks #gathered #gives #causes #death #alternation #understand? #like #men #old #saidcode

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