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Healing Grabovoi number: 62955775

Akshara Brahma Yoga 1. Said Arjuna, O Purushottama, what is that Brahman, What is Adhyatma (inner Self) and what is karma? What is said to be Adhibhuta (the primeval being ) and what is referred to as Adhidaiva (the Supreme Deity)? 2. O Madhusudhana, who is Adhiyagna (master of sacrifices) in this body? And at the time of the final journey how the practitioners of self-control can realize You? 3. Said Lord Supreme, Indestructible and beyond all is Brahman. Ones own self is called Adhyatma. The cause behind the creation of all the beings is called karma. 4. Adhibhuta (elemental Self) is by nature destructible. The Purusha (the individual Self) is Adhidaiva. And certainly I am Adhiyagna (Lord of the Sacrifice) in the body, O best of the embodied. 5. At the time of death, he who, remembering Me, leaves the body, attains My State. There is no doubt about this. 6. O Son of Kunti, whatever a person thinks of at the time of leaving his body , he attains that alone remembering it. 7. Therefore, all the time keep remembering Me and engage in the battle. By offering your mind and intelligence to Me, you will undoubtedly attain Me. 8. Through the practice of Yoga and meditation with the mind not moving in other directions, one can attain the Supreme Purusha , O Partha. 9. Always thinking of the Creator, the Ancient, the Ordainer, One who is smaller than the atom, the upholder of all, the unthinkable (beyond thought), whose form is of the color of Aditya (golden color), and who is beyond the darkness. 10. At the time of death, with unwavering mind, engaged in devotion, by the strength of Yoga, establishing the prana (breath) completely between the two eye brows, he attains the Divine and transcendental Personality of Brahman. 11. Now, I will explain to you briefly that word which the knowers of Vedas call the Word, which the great sages desire to attain by practicing celibacy and renouncing all passions. 12. Controlling all the openings of the body, with the mind established in the heart, fixing the prana in the self at the top of the head establishing oneself in the Yoga. 13. Uttering the monosyllable AUM, which is Brahman, who leaves the body, remembering Me, he achieves the highest goal. 14. To the constantly busy devotee who remembers Me without engaging his mind elsewhere, to him I am very easily attainable, O Partha. 15. On attaining Me, the great souls are no more subjected to rebirth, suffering and transience, for they have attained the highest perfection.
#grabovoi #healing number #62955775 #akshara #brahma #yoga #said #arjuna #o #purushottama #what #brahman #adhyatma #inner #self #karma? #adhibhuta #primeval #being # #referred #as #adhidaiva #supreme #deity? #madhusudhana #who #adhiyagna #master #sacrifices #body? #time #final #journey #how #practitioners #self-control #realize #you? #lord #indestructible #beyond #all #ones #own #called #cause #behind #creation #beings #karma #elemental #nature #destructible #purusha #individual #certainly #sacrifice #body #best #embodied #death #remembering #me #leaves #attains #my #state #there #no #doubt #about #son #kunti #whatever #person #thinks #leaving #his #alone #therefore #keep #engage #battle #offering #your #mind #intelligence #you #will #undoubtedly #attain #through #practice #meditation #with #moving #other #directions #one #partha #always #thinking #creator #ancient #ordainer #smaller #than #atom #upholder #unthinkable #thought #whose #form #color #aditya #golden #darkness #unwavering #engaged #devotion #strength #establishing #prana #breath #completely #between #two #eye #brows #divine #transcendental #personality #now #explain #briefly #word #which #knowers #vedas #call #great #sages #desire #practicing #celibacy #renouncing #passions #controlling #openings #established #heart #fixing #top #head #oneself #uttering #monosyllable #aum #achieves #highest #goal #constantly #busy #devotee #remembers #without #engaging #elsewhere #him #very #easily #attainable #attaining #souls #more #subjected #rebirth #suffering #transience #they #have #attained #perfection

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