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Healing Grabovoi number: 66497603

BG 8.1-2: Arjuna says: O Supreme Lord, what is Brahman (Supreme Reality), Adhyatma (individual soul) and Karma? Who is called Adhibhuta, and who is called Adhidaiva? Who is exercising in the body and how are you exercising? O Krishna, how will you be known at the time of death with steadfast mind? BG 8.3: The Lord said: The Supreme Immortal Being is called Brahman; Soul is called soul. The activity related to the material personality of the living organism and its development is called Karma or productive action. BG 8.4: O excellent embodied soul, the physical manifestation which is constantly changing is called Advita; The universal form of God, who presides over the heavenly deities in this creation, is called Adhidaiva; I, who dwell in the heart of every living being, am called Pradhyam, or the Lord of all sacrifices. There is no doubt about this. s Mr. 8.6: Whatever he remembers at the time of relinquishment at the time of death, O son of Kunti, always absorbed in such meditation he attains that state. BG 8.7: Therefore, always remember me and do the duty of war. If you surrender your mind and intellect to me, you will surely find me; This, no doubt. BG 8.8: By practice, O Partha, when you always engage your mind in remembering Me, the Supreme Lord, without going astray, you will surely gain Me. BG 8.9-10: God is omniscient, eternal, controlling, subtle to subtle, omnipotent and possessed of inconceivable divine form; He is brighter than the sun and above all the darkness of ignorance. One who, at the time of death, in the restless mind obtained by the practice of Yoga, fixes Prana (prana-vayu) on the forehead and remembers the Lord incessantly with supreme devotion, surely attains Him.Code
#grabovoi #healing number #66497603 #bg #arjuna #o #supreme #lord #what #brahman #reality #adhyatma #individual #soul #karma? #who #called #adhibhuta #adhidaiva? #exercising #body #how #you #exercising? #krishna #will #known #time #death #with #steadfast #mind? #immortal #being #brahman; #activity #related #material #personality #living #organism #its #development #karma #productive #action #excellent #embodied #physical #manifestation #which #constantly #changing #advita; #universal #form #god #presides #over #heavenly #deities #creation #adhidaiva; #dwell #heart #every #pradhyam #all #sacrifices #there #no #doubt #about #s #mr #whatever #remembers #relinquishment #son #kunti #always #absorbed #such #meditation #attains #state #therefore #remember #me #do #duty #war #surrender #your #mind #intellect #surely #find #me; #practice #partha #when #engage #remembering #without #going #astray #gain #omniscient #eternal #controlling #subtle #omnipotent #possessed #inconceivable #divine #form; #brighter #than #sun #above #darkness #ignorance #one #restless #obtained #yoga #fixes #prana #prana-vayu #forehead #incessantly #devotion #himcode

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