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Healing Grabovoi number: 67394224

Bhagavan 6.1: The Supreme Lord says: Those who perform their prescribed duties without desiring the results of their actions are the true sannyas (tyagi) and yogis, not those who have simply stopped performing yagnas such as Agnihotra yagna or giving up physical activity. BG 6.2: What is called sannyasa is not different from yoga, for one does not become a yogi without giving up worldly desires. BG 6.3: To the soul who aspires to attain perfection in yoga, non-attachment action is called medium; To a sage who is already advanced in yoga, the tranquility of meditation is called medium. BG 6.4: When one is not attached to sense objects or action, such a person is said to be elevated in the science of yoga, giving up all desire for the fruits of action. BG 6.5: Elevate yourself with the power of your mind, and do not degrade yourself, for the mind can be your friend as well as your enemy. BG 6.6: Friends of those who win hearts. The mind of those who fail to do so acts like an enemy. BG 6.7: Yogis who have conquered the mind rise above the dualities of cold and heat, joy and sorrow, and honor and dishonor. Such yogis are calm and steadfast in their devotion to God. BG 6.8: The yogi who is satisfied with knowledge and discrimination, and has conquered their senses, remains undisturbed at all times. Dirt, stone, gold, everything looks the same to them. BG 6.9: Yogis look at all with impartial intelligence - well-wishers, friends, enemies, pious and sinners. The Yogi who is equal-minded towards friend, companion and enemy, impartial between enemies and relatives and impartial between the righteous and the sinner, is considered eminent among men. BG 6.10: Those who seek the state of yoga should live in seclusion, engaged in meditation with controlled mind and body, freed from desires for enjoyment and possessions.
#grabovoi #healing number #67394224 #bhagavan #supreme #lord #those #who #perform #their #prescribed #duties #without #desiring #results #actions #true #sannyas #tyagi #yogis #have #simply #stopped #performing #yagnas #such #as #agnihotra #yagna #giving #up #physical #activity #bg #what #called #sannyasa #different #yoga #one #does #become #yogi #worldly #desires #soul #aspires #attain #perfection #non-attachment #action #medium; #sage #already #advanced #tranquility #meditation #medium #when #attached #sense #objects #person #said #elevated #science #all #desire #fruits #elevate #yourself #with #power #your #mind #do #degrade #friend #well #enemy #friends #win #hearts #fail #acts #like #an #conquered #rise #above #dualities #cold #heat #joy #sorrow #honor #dishonor #calm #steadfast #devotion #god #satisfied #knowledge #discrimination #has #senses #remains #undisturbed #times #dirt #stone #gold #everything #looks #same #them #look #impartial #intelligence #well-wishers #enemies #pious #sinners #equal-minded #towards #companion #between #relatives #righteous #sinner #considered #eminent #among #men #seek #state #should #live #seclusion #engaged #controlled #body #freed #enjoyment #possessions

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