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Healing Grabovoi number: 69940849

BG 13.21: In creation, material energy is responsible for cause and effect; The individual soul is held responsible for the experience of happiness and unhappiness. BG 13.22: When the Purusha (individual soul) seated in nature desires to enjoy the three gunas, attachment to them becomes the cause of his birth in superior and inferior wombs. BG 13.23: Even in the body the Supreme exists. He is called the witness, the enabler, the supporter, the transcendental enjoyer, the ultimate controller and the Paramatma (Paramatma). BG 13.24: Those who understand the truth about the Supreme Soul, the individual soul, material nature and the interaction of the three modes of nature will not take birth here again. Regardless of their current status they will be released. BG 13.25: Some try to realize the Supreme in their heart through meditation, and some try to do so through the cultivation of knowledge, and still others try to achieve that realization by the path of action. BG 13.26: There are still others who are not aware of these spiritual paths, but they start worshiping the Supreme Lord by hearing from others. By such devotion to hearing from saints, they too can gradually cross the ocean of birth and death. BG 13.27: O best of the Bharatas, whatever you see in existence, moving or immobile, know it as the combination of action and field. BG 13.28: Only they truly see, who perceive the Paramatma (Paramatma) in association with the soul in all beings, and who perceive both as imperishable in this perishable body. BG 13.29: Those who see God as the Supreme Being equally present everywhere and in all living beings, do not degrade themselves by mind. Through this they reach the highest destination. BG 13.30: Those who truly see are those who understand that all actions (of the body) are performed by the material nature, while the embodied soul actually does nothing. BG 13.31: When they see the diversity of living beings situated in the same material nature and realize that they are all born, they realize Brahman. BG 13.32: The Supreme Being is imperishable, without beginning and devoid of any material quality, O son of Kunti. Although situated in the body, it does not act, nor is it tainted by material energy. BG 13.33: Space contains everything within it, but being subtle is not contaminated by what it contains. Similarly, although its consciousness pervades the body, the soul is not affected by the characteristics of the body. BG 13.34: As one sun illuminates the entire solar system, so the individual soul illuminates the entire body (including consciousness). BG 13.35: Those who, with the eye of knowledge, perceive the difference between the body and the jnana and the process of liberation from material nature, attain the ultimate destination.
#grabovoi #healing number #69940849 #bg #creation #material #energy #responsible #cause #effect; #individual #soul #held #experience #happiness #unhappiness #when #purusha #seated #nature #desires #enjoy #three #gunas #attachment #them #becomes #his #birth #superior #inferior #wombs #even #body #supreme #exists #called #witness #enabler #supporter #transcendental #enjoyer #ultimate #controller #paramatma #those #who #understand #truth #about #interaction #modes #will #take #here #again #regardless #their #current #status #they #released #some #try #realize #heart #through #meditation #do #cultivation #knowledge #still #others #achieve #realization #path #action #there #aware #these #spiritual #paths #but #start #worshiping #lord #hearing #such #devotion #saints #too #gradually #cross #ocean #death #o #best #bharatas #whatever #you #see #existence #moving #immobile #know #as #combination #field #only #truly #perceive #association #with #all #beings #both #imperishable #perishable #god #being #equally #present #everywhere #living #degrade #themselves #mind #reach #highest #destination #actions #performed #while #embodied #actually #does #nothing #diversity #situated #same #born #brahman #without #beginning #devoid #any #quality #son #kunti #although #act #nor #tainted #space #contains #everything #within #subtle #contaminated #what #similarly #its #consciousness #pervades #affected #characteristics #one #sun #illuminates #entire #solar #system #including #eye #difference #between #jnana #process #liberation #attain

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