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Healing Grabovoi number: 70986121

Arjuna Vishada Yoga 1. Asked Dhritarashtra, In the field of righteousness called Kurukshetra, O Sanjaya, doing what are my sons and Pandavas, assembled and excited to fight? 2. Spoke thus Sanjaya, Having seen the numerous battle formations of the Pandava's army, king Duryodhana approached his teacher and uttered the following words. 3. O great teacher, look at the military might of the army of Pandu's sons, strategically arranged by your intelligent disciple and son of Drupada. 4. Here in this army are great heroes and archers, equal to Arjuna and Bhima in fighting, like Yuyudhna, Virata and also the great charioteer, Drupada. 5. And there are great fighters like Dhristaketu, Chekitanu, king of Kasi, the powerful Purujit, Kuntibhoja and Saibya, the notable among men. 6. There are also the mighty Yudhamanyu, powerful Uttamauja, the son of Subhadra and the sons of Draupadi who are all great charioteers. 7. O Superior among the twice born, let me tell you about the most distinguished leaders of my own army, so that you will be able to locate them and remember them during the war. 8. You, Bhishma, Karna, Kripa, Aswaththama, Vikarna and Somadatta's son, who are the best combination for victory in any war, are there 9. And innumerable other heroes too, ready to sacrifice their lives for my sake, equipped with various weapons and well informed in the art of warfare. 10. Unlimited is our strength, well protected by our grandfather Bhishma, while limited is the strength of the Pandavas' army, although it is well protected by Bhima. 11. Therefore all of you should now give full protection to Bhishma, in all the strategic places, as arranged. 12. Then valiant Bhishma, the oldest among the Kurus and the great grandfather, blew his conch making the sound of the roar of a lion, increasing the joy ( of Duryodhana). 13. Then many conches, large drums, small drums, kettle drums, and horns were all at once blown suddenly resulting in a tumultuous noise. 14. Then seated in a great chariot, drawn by white horses, Krishna and Arjuna, also blew their divine conches 15. Panchajanyam, by Hrisikesa, Devadatta by Arjuna, Paundram by Bhima, the voracious eater and performer of mighty deeds. 16. Anantavijayam by king and Kunti's son, Yudhishtira, Sughosha and Manipushpaka by Nakula and Sahadeva . 17. King of Kasi, the supreme archer, Sikhandi, the great charioteer, Dhristadyumna, Virata and the invincible Satyaki, blew their respective conches. 18. O Lord of the earth, Drupada, the sons of Draupadi, Subhadra's son and the mighty armed Abhimanyu also blew their conches. 19. That noise shattered the hearts of the Dhritarashtra's sons and the sky and the earth reverberated with the tumultuous sound 20. There upon, watching the sons of Dhritarashtra thus arrayed, preparing himself for the battle, becoming ready to take the bow into his hands, Arjuna.
#grabovoi #healing number #70986121 #arjuna #vishada #yoga #asked #dhritarashtra # #field #righteousness #called #kurukshetra #o #sanjaya #doing #what #my #sons #pandavas #assembled #excited #fight? #spoke #thus #having #seen #numerous #battle #formations #pandava's #army #king #duryodhana #approached #his #teacher #uttered #following #words #great #look #military #might #pandu's #strategically #arranged #your #intelligent #disciple #son #drupada #here #heroes #archers #equal #bhima #fighting #like #yuyudhna #virata #also #charioteer #there #fighters #dhristaketu #chekitanu #kasi #powerful #purujit #kuntibhoja #saibya #notable #among #men #mighty #yudhamanyu #uttamauja #subhadra #draupadi #who #all #charioteers #superior #twice #born #let #me #tell #you #about #most #distinguished #leaders #own #will #able #locate #them #remember #during #war #bhishma #karna #kripa #aswaththama #vikarna #somadatta's #best #combination #victory #any #innumerable #other #too #ready #sacrifice #their #lives #sake #equipped #with #various #weapons #well #informed #art #warfare #unlimited #our #strength #protected #grandfather #while #limited #pandavas' #although #therefore #should #now #give #full #protection #strategic #places #as #then #valiant #oldest #kurus #blew #conch #making #sound #roar #lion #increasing #joy #many #conches #large #drums #small #kettle #horns #once #blown #suddenly #resulting #tumultuous #noise #seated #chariot #drawn #white #horses #krishna #divine #panchajanyam #hrisikesa #devadatta #paundram #voracious #eater #performer #deeds #anantavijayam #kunti's #yudhishtira #sughosha #manipushpaka #nakula #sahadeva #supreme #archer #sikhandi #dhristadyumna #invincible #satyaki #respective #lord #earth #subhadra's #armed #abhimanyu #shattered #hearts #dhritarashtra's #sky #reverberated #upon #watching #arrayed #preparing #himself #becoming #take #bow #into #hands

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