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Healing Grabovoi number: 72706283

6) Beautiful Angel Guardian angel, from heaven so bright, watching beside me to lead me aright. Fold thy wings round me, O guard me with love, softly sing songs to me of heav’n above. Beautiful angel, my guardian so mild, tenderly guide me, for I am thy child. Angel so holy, whom God sent to me, sinful and lowly, my guardian to be. Wilt thou not cherish the child of thy care? Let me not perish, my trust is thy pray’r. Beautiful angel, my guardian so mild, tenderly guide me, for I am thy child. O may I never forget thou art near; But keep me ever in love and in fear. Waking and sleeping, in labour and rest, In thy sweet keeping my life shall be blest. Beautiful angel, my guardian so mild, tenderly guide me, for I am thy child. Angel, dear angel, O close by me stay; Safe from harm shield me, all ill keep away Then thou wilt lead me when this life is o’er To Jesus and Mary to praise evermore. Beautiful angel, my guardian so mild, tenderly guide me, for I am thy child. 7) Michael’s Song – For Who Is Like Unto God! (Louise Amoroso ©1997) Before all time all was darkness God gave His word and there was light. His angels came forth shining like the Sun, displaying God’s glory and might. For who is like unto God! For who is like unto God Most High! His glory fills the heavens with light. For who is like unto God! One filled with pride vainly thought his throne should equal God Most High’s. Then angel Michael, as bright as Lucifer, came forth with his battle cry. For who is like unto God! For who is like unto God Most High! His glory fills the heavens with light. For who is like unto God! A great battle in the heavens was fought; the rebel spirits fell from grace. Victorious angels encircled God’s throne to worship Him face to face. For who is like unto God! For who is like unto God Most High! His glory fills the heavens with light. For who is like unto God! So let us join choirs of heavenly hosts, face down in humble adoration. All praise and glory, honour and power to Yahweh our God, our salvation! For who is like unto God! For who is like unto God Most High! His glory fills the heavens with light. For who is like unto God! 8) Pilgrims of the Night (J Richardson, FW Faber) Hark! hark, my soul! angelic songs are swelling O’er earth’s green fields and ocean’s wave-beat shore; How sweet the truth those blessed strains are telling Of that new life when sin shall be no more! Angels of Jesus, angels of light, Singing to welcome the pilgrims of the night! Onward we go, for still we hear them singing, 'Come, weary souls, for Jesus bids you come;' And through the dark, its echoes sweetly ringing, The music of the Gospel leads us home. Angels of Jesus, angels of light, Singing to welcome the pilgrims of the night! Far, far away, like bells at evening pealing, The voice of Jesus sounds o’er land and sea, And laden souls, by thousands, meekly stealing, Kind Shepherd, turn their weary steps to thee. Angels of Jesus, angels of light, Singing to welcome the pilgrims of the night! Rest comes at length, though life be long and dreary, The day must dawn, and darksome night be past; Faith’s journeys end in welcome to the weary, And heaven, the heart’s true home, will come at last. Angels of Jesus, angels of light, Singing to welcome the pilgrims of the night! Angels, sing on, your faithful watches keeping, Sing us sweet fragments of the songs above, Till morning’s joy shall end the night of weeping, And life’s long shadows break in cloudless love. Angels of Jesus, angels of light, Singing to welcome the pilgrims of the night!Code
#grabovoi #healing number #72706283 #beautiful #angel #guardian #heaven #bright #watching #beside #me #lead #aright #fold #thy #wings #round #o #guard #with #love #softly #sing #songs #heav’n #above #my #mild #tenderly #guide #child #holy #whom #god #sent #sinful #lowly #wilt #thou #cherish #care? #let #perish #trust #pray’r #may #never #forget #art #near; #but #keep #ever #fear #waking #sleeping #labour #rest #sweet #keeping #life #shall #blest #dear #close #stay; #safe #harm #shield #all #ill #away #then #when #o’er #jesus #mary #praise #evermore #michael’s #song #– #who #like #unto #louise #amoroso #©1997 #before #time #darkness #gave #his #word #there #light #angels #came #forth #shining #sun #displaying #god’s #glory #might #most #high #fills #heavens #one #filled #pride #vainly #thought #throne #should #equal #high’s #michael #as #lucifer #battle #cry #great #fought; #rebel #spirits #fell #grace #victorious #encircled #worship #him #face #us #join #choirs #heavenly #hosts #down #humble #adoration #honour #power #yahweh #our #salvation #pilgrims #night #j #richardson #fw #faber #hark #soul #angelic #swelling #earth’s #green #fields #ocean’s #wave-beat #shore; #how #truth #those #blessed #strains #telling #new #sin #no #more #singing #welcome #onward #we #go #still #hear #them #'come #weary #souls #bids #you #come;' #through #dark #its #echoes #sweetly #ringing #music #gospel #leads #home #far #bells #evening #pealing #voice #sounds #land #sea #laden #thousands #meekly #stealing #kind #shepherd #turn #their #steps #thee #comes #length #though #long #dreary #day #must #dawn #darksome #past; #faith’s #journeys #end #heart’s #true #will #come #last #your #faithful #watches #fragments #till #morning’s #joy #weeping #life’s #shadows #break #cloudless #nightcode

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