Healing numbers & codes generator

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Healing Grabovoi number: 75348364

BG 1.11: Therefore, I call upon all the generals of the Kaurava army now to give full support to Grandsire Bheeshma, even as you defend your respective strategic points. BG 1.12: Then, the grand old man of the Kuru dynasty, the glorious patriarch Bheeshma, roared like a lion, and blew his conch shell very loudly, giving joy to Duryodhan. BG 1.13: Thereafter, conches, kettledrums, bugles, trumpets, and horns suddenly blared forth, and their combined sound was overwhelming. BG 1.14: Then, from amidst the Pandava army, seated in a glorious chariot drawn by white horses, Madhav and Arjun blew their Divine conch shells. BG 1.15: Hrishikesh blew his conch shell, called Panchajanya, and Arjun blew the Devadutta. Bheem, the voracious eater and performer of herculean tasks, blew his mighty conch, called Paundra. BG 1.16-18: King Yudhishthir, blew the Anantavijay, while Nakul and Sahadev blew the Sughosh and Manipushpak. The excellent archer and king of Kashi, the great warrior Shikhandi, Dhrishtadyumna, Virat, and the invincible Satyaki, Drupad, the five sons of Draupadi, and the mighty-armed Abhimanyu, son of Subhadra, all blew their respective conch shells, O Ruler of the earth. BG 1.19: The terrific sound thundered across the sky and the earth, and shattered the hearts of your sons, O Dhritarasthra. BG 1.20: At that time, the son of Pandu, Arjun, who had the insignia of Hanuman on the flag of his chariot, took up his bow. Seeing your sons arrayed against him, O King, Arjun then spoke the following words to Shree Krishna.
#grabovoi #healing number #75348364 #bg #therefore #call #upon #all #generals #kaurava #army #now #give #full #support #grandsire #bheeshma #even #as #you #defend #your #respective #strategic #points #then #grand #old #man #kuru #dynasty #glorious #patriarch #roared #like #lion #blew #his #conch #shell #very #loudly #giving #joy #duryodhan #thereafter #conches #kettledrums #bugles #trumpets #horns #suddenly #blared #forth #their #combined #sound #overwhelming #amidst #pandava #seated #chariot #drawn #white #horses #madhav #arjun #divine #shells #hrishikesh #called #panchajanya #devadutta #bheem #voracious #eater #performer #herculean #tasks #mighty #paundra #king #yudhishthir #anantavijay #while #nakul #sahadev #sughosh #manipushpak #excellent #archer #kashi #great #warrior #shikhandi #dhrishtadyumna #virat #invincible #satyaki #drupad #five #sons #draupadi #mighty-armed #abhimanyu #son #subhadra #o #ruler #earth #terrific #thundered #across #sky #shattered #hearts #dhritarasthra #time #pandu #who #had #insignia #hanuman #flag #took #up #bow #seeing #arrayed #against #him #spoke #following #words #shree #krishna

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