Healing numbers & codes generator

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Healing Grabovoi number: 79527521

The Spine Frequencies by Spooky 1st Frequency =440 Hz Scale 2nd Frequency=432 Hz Scale C1 -128.43-130.81 Hz -Blood supply to the head , Pituitary Gland, Scalp, Bones in the Face, Brain and Middle Ear, Sympathetic Nervous System Eliminate: Headaches, Nervousness, Insomnia, High Blood Pressure, Amnesia, Chronic Tiredness, Dizziness C2 – 144.16-146.83 Hz -Eyes, Optic Nerves, Auditory Nerves, Sinuses, Mastoid Bones, Tongue, Forehead Eliminate: Sinus trouble, Allergies, Pain around the Eyes, Earaches, Fainting Spells, certain Case of Blindness, Crossed Eyes, Deafness C3- 161.82-164.81 Hz -Cheeks, Outer Ear, Face Bones, Teeth, Trigeminal Nerve Eliminate: Neuralgia, Neuritis, Acne or Pimples,Eczema C4 -171.44-174.61 Hz -Nose,Lips, Mouth, Eustachian Tube Eliminate: Fever, Runny Nose, Hearing loss, Adenoids C5-192.43-196 Hz -Vocal cords, Neck Glands, Pharinxs Eliminate: Laryngitis, Hoarsness, Throat conditions such as sore throat or quinsy C6 – 216.1964 -220.20 Hz Neck muscles, Shoulders, Tonsils Eliminate: Stiff Neck , Pain in upper arm, Tonsillitis, Croup, Chronic cough C7- 242.45-246.94 Hz – Thyroid gland, Bursae in the shoulders, Elbows Eliminate: Colds, Thyroid conditions T1 -128.43-130.81 Hz – Arms from the elbows down, hands wrists and finger, Esophagus and Trachea Eliminate: Asthma, Cough, Difficult breathing, shortness of Breath, Pain in lower arms and hands T2- 144.16-146.83 Hz -Heart, Coronary arteries Eliminate: Heart and certain chest conditions T3-161.82-164.81 – Lungs, Bronchial tubes, Pleura, Chest, Breast Eliminate: Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Pneumonia, Congestion, Inflluenza T4- 171,44-174.61 Hz -Gallbladder, Common Duct Eliminate: Gallbladder conditions, Jaundice, Shingles T5- 192.43-196 Hz -Liver, Solar Plexus, General circulation Eliminate: Liver conditions, Fevers, Blood pressure, Poor circulation, Arthritis T6 -216.1964-220.20 Hz Stomach Eliminate: Stomach troubles, Nervous Stomach, Indigestion, Heartburn, Dyspepsia T7- 242.45-296.94 Hz -Pancreas, Duodenum Eliminate: Ulcers, Gastritis T8- 136.07-138.57 Hz- Spleen Eliminate: Lowered Resistance T9- 152.74-155.56 Hz – Adrenal and Suprarenal glands Eliminate: Allergies, Hives T10 – 181.63 – 185 Hz – Kidneys Eliminate: Hardening of the arteries, Chronic tiredness, Nephritis, Pyelitis T11- 203.88-207.65 Hz- Kidneys , Uterus Eliminate: Skin conditions -Acne, Pimples, Eczema, Boils T12- 223.34-233.08 Hz – Small Intestines, Lymph circulation Eliminate: Rheumatism, Gas pains, Certain types of Sterility L1 – 136.07-138.57 Hz – Large Intestines, Inguinal rings Eliminate: Constipation, Colitis, Dysintery, Diarrhea, some rapture of Hernias L2-152.74-155.56 Hz - Appendix, Abdomen, Upper Leg Eliminate: Cramps, Difficult breathing, Minor Varicose Veins L3- 181.63-185 Hz – Sex organs, Uterus,Bladder, Knees Eliminate: Bladder and Menstrual troubles, Miscarriages, Bed wetting, Impotency, Knee pains L4- 203.88-207.05 Hz -Prostate gland, Muscle of lower back, Sciatic Nerve Eliminate: Lumbago,Herniated Disc, Sciatica, Frequent Urination, Backaches L5-228.34-233.08 Hz -Lower legs , Ankles, Feet Eliminate: Poor circulation in the legs, Swollen Ankles, Cold feet, Weakness in the Legs, Leg Cramps
#grabovoi #healing number #79527521 #spine #frequencies #spooky #1st #frequency #=440 #hz #scale #2nd #frequency=432 # #c1 #-12843-13081 #-blood #supply #head #pituitary #gland #scalp #bones #face #brain #middle #ear #sympathetic #nervous #system #headaches #nervousness #insomnia #high #blood #pressure #amnesia #chronic #tiredness #dizziness #c2 #– #14416-14683 #-eyes #optic #nerves #auditory #sinuses #mastoid #tongue #forehead #sinus #trouble #allergies #pain #around #eyes #earaches #fainting #spells #certain #case #blindness #crossed #deafness #c3- #16182-16481 #-cheeks #outer #teeth #trigeminal #nerve #neuralgia #neuritis #acne #pimpleseczema #c4 #-17144-17461 #-noselips #mouth #eustachian #tube #fever #runny #nose #hearing #loss #adenoids #c5-19243-196 #-vocal #cords #neck #glands #pharinxs #laryngitis #hoarsness #throat #conditions #such #as #sore #quinsy #c6 #2161964 #muscles #shoulders #tonsils #stiff #upper #arm #tonsillitis #croup #cough #c7- #24245-24694 #thyroid #bursae #elbows #colds #t1 #arms #down #hands #wrists #finger #esophagus #trachea #asthma #difficult #breathing #shortness #breath #lower #t2- #-heart #coronary #arteries #heart #chest #t3-16182-16481 #lungs #bronchial #tubes #pleura #breast #bronchitis #pleurisy #pneumonia #congestion #inflluenza #t4- #17144-17461 #-gallbladder #common #duct #gallbladder #jaundice #shingles #t5- #19243-196 #-liver #solar #plexus #general #circulation #liver #fevers #poor #arthritis #t6 #-2161964-22020 #stomach #troubles #indigestion #heartburn #dyspepsia #t7- #24245-29694 #-pancreas #duodenum #ulcers #gastritis #t8- #13607-13857 #hz- #spleen #lowered #resistance #t9- #15274-15556 #adrenal #suprarenal #hives #t10 #18163 #185 #kidneys #hardening #nephritis #pyelitis #t11- #20388-20765 #uterus #skin #-acne #pimples #eczema #boils #t12- #22334-23308 #small #intestines #lymph #rheumatism #gas #pains #types #sterility #l1 #large #inguinal #rings #constipation #colitis #dysintery #diarrhea #some #rapture #hernias #l2-15274-15556 #appendix #abdomen #leg #cramps #minor #varicose #veins #l3- #18163-185 #sex #organs #uterusbladder #knees #bladder #menstrual #miscarriages #bed #wetting #impotency #knee #l4- #20388-20705 #-prostate #muscle #back #sciatic #lumbagoherniated #disc #sciatica #frequent #urination #backaches #l5-22834-23308 #-lower #legs #ankles #feet #swollen #cold #weakness

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