Healing numbers & codes generator

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Healing Grabovoi number: 80015600

BG 11.21: All the celestial gods are taking Your shelter by entering into You. In awe, some are praising You with folded hands. The great sages and perfected beings are extolling You with auspicious hymns and profuse prayers. BG 11.22: The rudras, adityas, vasus, sadhyas, vishvadevas, Ashwini Kumars, maruts, ancestors, gandharvas, yakshas, asuras, and siddhas are all beholding You in wonder. BG 11.23: O mighty Lord, in veneration of Your magnificent form with its many mouths, eyes, arms, thighs, legs, stomachs, and terrifying teeth, all the worlds are terror-stricken, and so am I. BG 11.24: O Lord Vishnu, seeing Your form touching the sky, effulgent in many colors, with mouths wide open and enormous blazing eyes, my heart is trembling with fear. I have lost all courage and peace of mind. BG 11.25: Having seen Your many mouths bearing Your terrible teeth, resembling the raging fire at the time of annihilation, I forget where I am and do not know where to go. O Lord of lords, You are the shelter of the universe; please have mercy on me. BG 11.26-27: I see all the sons of Dhritarashtra, along with their allied kings, including Bheeshma, Dronacharya, Karn, and also the generals from our side, rushing headlong into Your fearsome mouths. I see some with their heads smashed between Your terrible teeth. BG 11.28-29: As many waves of the rivers flowing rapidly into the ocean, so are all these great warriors entering into Your blazing mouths. As moths rush with great speed into the fire to perish, so are all these armies entering with great speed into Your mouths. BG 11.30: With Your fiery tongues You are licking up the hosts of living beings on all sides and devouring them with Your blazing mouths. O Vishnu, You are scorching the entire universe with the fierce, all-pervading rays of Your effulgence.
#grabovoi #healing number #80015600 #bg #all #celestial #gods #taking #your #shelter #entering #into #you #awe #some #praising #with #folded #hands #great #sages #perfected #beings #extolling #auspicious #hymns #profuse #prayers #rudras #adityas #vasus #sadhyas #vishvadevas #ashwini #kumars #maruts #ancestors #gandharvas #yakshas #asuras #siddhas #beholding #wonder #o #mighty #lord #veneration #magnificent #form #its #many #mouths #eyes #arms #thighs #legs #stomachs #terrifying #teeth #worlds #terror-stricken # #vishnu #seeing #touching #sky #effulgent #colors #wide #open #enormous #blazing #my #heart #trembling #fear #have #lost #courage #peace #mind #having #seen #bearing #terrible #resembling #raging #fire #time #annihilation #forget #where #do #know #go #lords #universe; #please #mercy #me #see #sons #dhritarashtra #along #their #allied #kings #including #bheeshma #dronacharya #karn #also #generals #our #side #rushing #headlong #fearsome #heads #smashed #between #as #waves #rivers #flowing #rapidly #ocean #these #warriors #moths #rush #speed #perish #armies #fiery #tongues #licking #up #hosts #living #sides #devouring #them #scorching #entire #universe #fierce #all-pervading #rays #effulgence

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