Healing numbers & codes generator

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Healing Grabovoi number: 80392874

Allah is the only true Light of guides , Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth The example of His light is like a niche within which is a lamp , the lamp is within glass , the glass as if it were a pearly white star lit from the oil of a blessed olive tree , neither of the east nor of the west , whose oil would almost glow even if untouched by fire Light upon light Allah guides to His light whom He wills , Oh Allah , put you light in my heart and light in my tongue and light in my hearing and in my sight is light and above me is light and below is light and on my right hand is light and on my right side is light and whoever is light and behind me is light and place within me light and magnify for me light and magnify for me light and make light for me and make me light and Oh Allah , give me light and put light in my nerves and in my life a light And in my blood there is light and in my hair there is light and in my good tidings there is light and Oh Allah , make light for me in my graveand light in my bones And increase me in light , and increase me in light , and increase me in light and grant me light upon light and O my beloved Allah ! Create light in my heart and in my tongue Light and light in my ears and light in my eyes and light above me and light below me and light on my right and light on my left and create light before me and light behind me and light in my soul and increase my light and give me much light and create light for me And make me light O my beloved Allah ! Give me light and put light in my muscles and put light in my flesh and put light in my blood and put light in my hair and put light in my skin and O my beloved Allah , create light for me in my grave and put light in my bones and give me more light , and give me and give me more light, and give me more light and give me light upon light .
#grabovoi #healing number #80392874 #allah #only #true #light #guides # #heavens #earth #example #his #like #niche #within #which #lamp #glass #as #pearly #white #star #lit #oil #blessed #olive #tree #neither #east #nor #west #whose #would #almost #glow #even #untouched #fire #upon #whom #wills #oh #put #you #my #heart #tongue #hearing #sight #above #me #below #right #hand #side #whoever #behind #place #magnify #make #give #nerves #life #blood #there #hair #good #tidings #graveand #bones #increase #grant #o #beloved #create #ears #eyes #left #before #soul #much #muscles #flesh #skin #grave #more

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Self-healing is everyone's own responsibility and never substitutes 100% certainty of medical treatment.

If you have any problem please consult your doctor, pharmacist or a specialist of your problem.
