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Healing Grabovoi number: 81464409

31. And kill not your children for fear of poverty. We provide for them and for you. Surely, the killing of them is a great sin. 32. And come not near to the unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is a Fahishah i.e. anything that transgresses its limits (a great sin), and an evil way (that leads one to Hell unless Allah forgives him). 33. And do not kill anyone which Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause. And whoever is killed (intentionally with hostility and oppression and not by mistake), We have given his heir the authority (to demand Qisas, Law of Equality in punishment or to forgive, or to take Diya (blood money). But let him not exceed limits in the matter of taking life (i.e he should not kill except the killer only). Verily, he is helped (by the Islamic law). 34. And come not near to the orphan’s property except to improve it, until he attains the age of full strength. And fulfil (every) covenant. Verily! the covenant, will be questioned about. 35. And give full measure when you measure, and weigh with a balance that is straight. That is good (advantageous) and better in the end. 36. And follow not (O man i.e., say not, or do not or witness not, etc.) that of which you have no knowledge (e.g. one’s saying: “I have seen,” while in fact he has not seen, or “I have heard,” while he has not heard). Verily! The hearing, and the sight, and the heart, of each of those you will be questioned (by Allah). 37. And walk not on the earth with conceit and arrogance. Verily, you can neither rend nor penetrate the earth, nor can you attain a stature like the mountains in height. 38. All the bad aspects of these (the above mentioned things) are hateful to your Lord. 39. This is (part) of Al-Hikmah (wisdom, good manners and high character, etc.) which your Lord has inspired to you (O Muhammad ). And set not up with Allah any other ilah (god) lest you should be thrown into Hell, blameworthy and rejected, (from Allah’s Mercy). 40. Has then your Lord (O pagans of Makkah) preferred for you sons, and taken for Himself from among the angels daughters. Verily! You utter an awful saying, indeed.Code
#grabovoi #healing number #81464409 #kill #your #children #fear #poverty #we #provide #them #you #surely #killing #great #sin #come #near #unlawful #sexual #intercourse #verily #fahishah #ie #anything #transgresses #its #limits #an #evil #way #leads #one #hell #unless #allah #forgives #him #do #anyone #which #has #forbidden #except #just #cause #whoever #killed #intentionally #with #hostility #oppression #mistake #have #given #his #heir #authority #demand #qisas #law #equality #punishment #forgive #take #diya #blood #money #but #let #exceed #matter #taking #life #should #killer #only #helped #islamic #orphan’s #property #improve #until #attains #age #full #strength #fulfil #every #covenant #will #questioned #about #give #measure #when #weigh #balance #straight #good #advantageous #better #end #follow #o #man #say #witness #etc #no #knowledge #eg #one’s #“i #seen” #while #fact #seen #heard” #heard #hearing #sight #heart #each #those #walk #earth #conceit #arrogance #neither #rend #nor #penetrate #attain #stature #like #mountains #height #all #bad #aspects #these #above #mentioned #things #hateful #lord #part #al-hikmah #wisdom #manners #high #character #inspired #muhammad # #set #up #any #other #ilah #god #lest #thrown #into #blameworthy #rejected #allah’s #mercy #then #pagans #makkah #preferred #sons #taken #himself #among #angels #daughters #utter #awful #saying #indeedcode

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