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Healing Grabovoi number: 85615096
Miracle heal my sister LC, my good god tiered double helps, she is instantly healed from vaccination damage, bloodclots and associated problems, protected during any surgery (the lesser operation is preferable, all operations and recovery are painless)) and from all covid, flu's, viruses and infections etc. She must live, prevent lung collapse, breathe easy, protected by God - she must survive/live and heal in the name of God, Jesus and the blood of Christ - 369, healed and healthy. Must shift/portal to ideal version of reality - immediately if any problems occur, to ideal version of reality where it did not.- emergency portal my island and it's people (if somewhere else) to safety when in danger, we have everything we need. Protect my family, friends, people, g's (AC etc) from all harm - covid/vaccines, travel, rtc's, attack, tsunami etc #grabovoi #healing number #85615096 #miracle #heal #my #sister #lc #good #god #tiered #double #helps #instantly #healed #vaccination #damage #bloodclots #associated #problems #protected #during #any #surgery #lesser #operation #preferable #all #operations #recovery #painless #covid #flu's #viruses #infections #etc #must #live #prevent #lung #collapse #breathe #easy #survive/live #name #jesus #blood #christ #369 #healthy #shift/portal #ideal #version #reality # #immediately #occur #where #did #not- #emergency #portal #island #it's #people #somewhere #else #safety #when #danger #we #have #everything #need #protect #family #friends #g's #ac #harm #covid/vaccines #travel #rtc's #attack #tsunami
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Self-healing is everyone's own responsibility and never substitutes 100% certainty of medical treatment.
If you have any problem please consult your doctor, pharmacist or a specialist of your problem.