Healing numbers & codes generator

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Healing Grabovoi number: 9349564

2) The Guardian Angel (Text: Blessed Cardinal Newman) My oldest friend, mine from the hour when first I drew my breath; My faithful friend, that shall be mine unfailing till my death. Thou hast been ever at my side; my Maker to thy trust Consigned my soul, what time He framed the infant child of dust. Thou wast my sponsor at the font; and thou, each budding year, Didst whisper elements of truth into my childish ear. And thou wilt linger round my bed, when life is ebbing low, Of doubt, impatience and of gloom, the jealous sleepless foe. Mine when I stand before the Judge; and mine if spared to stay Within the golden furnace till my sin is burned away. And mine, O brother of my soul, when my release shall come; Thy gentle arms shall lift me then, thy wings shall waft me home. 3) Dear Angel, Ever At My Side (Adapted from Day’s Psalter 1563/music by F W Faber) Dear angel, ever at my side, how loving you must be To leave your home in heav’n to guide a little child like me! Your beautiful and shining face is always very near; The music of your guiding voice is ever in my ear. My eyes see only here below, but you are by my side, And you have God before your eyes; I need you for my guide. My guardian angel, help me now to give to God my love, To serve Him in this world below and come to Him above. 4) This is the Month of Angels This is the month of Angels, sing for their love today. Bright are the banded Angels, grouping around our way. These are the sleepless warders; these are the keepers mild. Honour the Guardian Angels, woman and man and child. Sing for the grand Archangels, mighty to live and guide. Over the head that rule us, they in their love preside. Sing for their holy counsels; sing for their prompting true, Bending before our rulers, honour their guardians too. Sing for the God who made them, Angels and Queen above, Sing for the God who gave them from His great heart of love. Still may that love consume us, with its sweet ardour here, Till we go forth as Angels fit for His own bright sphere. 5) Sing, Sing Ye Angel Bands Sing, sing ye Angel bands, all beautiful and bright; For higher still, and higher, through fields of starry light, Mary, your Queen ascends, ascends like the sweet moon at night. O happy angels! Look how beautiful she is; See! Jesus bears her up; her hand is locked in His: O, who can tell the height, the height of that fair Mother’s bliss? A fairer flower than she on earth hath never been; And save the throne of God, your heavens have never seen A wonder half so bright, so bright as you ascending Queen.Code
#grabovoi #healing number #9349564 #guardian #angel #blessed #cardinal #newman #my #oldest #friend #mine #hour #when #first #drew #breath; #faithful #shall #unfailing #till #death #thou #hast #been #ever #side; #maker #thy #trust #consigned #soul #what #time #framed #infant #child #dust #wast #sponsor #font; #each #budding #year #didst #whisper #elements #truth #into #childish #ear #wilt #linger #round #bed #life #ebbing #low #doubt #impatience #gloom #jealous #sleepless #foe #stand #before #judge; #spared #stay #within #golden #furnace #sin #burned #away #o #brother #release #come; #gentle #arms #lift #me #then #wings #waft #home #dear #side #adapted #day’s #psalter #1563/music #f #w #faber #how #loving #you #must #leave #your #heav’n #guide #little #like #beautiful #shining #face #always #very #near; #music #guiding #voice #eyes #see #only #here #below #but #have #god #eyes; #need #help #now #give #love #serve #him #world #come #above #month #angels #sing #their #today #bright #banded #grouping #around #our #way #these #warders; #keepers #mild #honour #woman #man #grand #archangels #mighty #live #over #head #rule #us #they #preside #holy #counsels; #prompting #true #bending #rulers #guardians #too #who #made #them #queen #gave #his #great #heart #still #may #consume #with #its #sweet #ardour #we #go #forth #as #fit #own #sphere #ye #bands #all #bright; #higher #through #fields #starry #light #mary #ascends #moon #night #happy #look #is; #jesus #bears #her #up; #hand #locked #tell #height #fair #mother’s #bliss? #fairer #flower #than #earth #hath #never #been; #save #throne #heavens #seen #wonder #half #ascending #queencode

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