Healing numbers & codes generator

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Healing Grabovoi number: 9457952

I set the intention to open my AKASHIC RECORDS and the records of todays work session; I open myself for divine guidance, wisdom, perspective and love from the highest vibrating cosmic beings, ascended masters, whole ancestors, angels and all compassionate and loving beings that exist of all dimensions; even when I may not see them all. I open myself to mother Gaia, higher self and oneness of source through my connection with the Earth, my energy centers, my heart strings and my cosmic home. I command my bodies to release resistance, barriers, judgements, and don’t not engage in ego/logic efforts at this time, but instead join me as curious students- for they are very much an important aspect of my being. Because the Akash is so expansive, I call in St Michael Archangel and the divine energy, to assist me in opening the doors of the great hall, and to take me into the records where the information that I require is residing. I ask Archangel Metatron to come forward as well, and consciously guide me into a dimensional understanding of the Akashic Records and to provide his perspective as well- and to help me expand my clair gifts to maximum intensity and to help with my connection inside the records; so that it be strong and clear. I call upon the Council of Light for protection, to create a sacred space around me at this time and the perimeter of this dwelling; and to help me navigate any big transitions in this session. I give thanks to the record keepers for allowing me access into the records.. I give love and gratitude for the space they hold for me while I am here, and while I work to heal my soul, my body and my mind in the highest good. I am surrounded by love and is well. MY RECORDS ARE NOW OPEN and they will close as soon as I carry myself off to sleep.
#grabovoi #healing number #9457952 #set #intention #open #my #akashic #records #todays #work #session; #myself #divine #guidance #wisdom #perspective #love #highest #vibrating #cosmic #beings #ascended #masters #whole #ancestors #angels #all #compassionate #loving #exist #dimensions; #even #when #may #see #them #mother #gaia #higher #self #oneness #source #through #connection #with #earth #energy #centers #heart #strings #home # #command #bodies #release #resistance #barriers #judgements #don’t #engage #ego/logic #efforts #time #but #instead #join #me #as #curious #students- #they #very #much #an #important #aspect #being #because #akash #expansive #call #st #michael #archangel #assist #opening #doors #great #hall #take #into #where #information #require #residing #ask #metatron #come #forward #well #consciously #guide #dimensional #understanding #provide #his #well- #help #expand #clair #gifts #maximum #intensity #inside #records; #strong #clear #upon #council #light #protection #create #sacred #space #around #perimeter #dwelling; #navigate #any #big #transitions #session #give #thanks #record #keepers #allowing #access #gratitude #hold #while #here #heal #soul #body #mind #good #surrounded #now #will #close #soon #carry #off #sleep

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If you have any problem please consult your doctor, pharmacist or a specialist of your problem.
