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Healing Grabovoi number: 9609683

1. Said Arjuna, O Kesava, I wish to know about Purusha (the pure consciousness) and Prakriti (the creative energy), kshetram (field, matter or the body) and kshetragna (Self, pure awareness or consciousness), knowledge and purpose of knowledge. 2. Said Lord Supreme, This body, O Arjuna, is called kshetra (matter or the body). He who knows thus is called kshetragna ( the knower of kshetra ) by the knowledgeable. 3. O Bharata, I am kshetragna (pure consciousness) in all the kshetras (all material objects). The knowledge of what is the body and who is knower of the body, in My opinion is true knowledge. 4. Now understand from Me briefly what matter is, what are its variations, from where it is, who the knower (consciousness) is and what are his powers. 5. (This knowledge) is described in (the from of ) songs variously by the seers and in many vedic hymns and also in the verses of Brahmasutras with in-depth analysis. 6. The Mahabhutas (the five great elements), the ego, the discriminating intelligence, the invisible (self), the ten senses (ears, skin, tongue, nose, hands, feet, mouth, anus, and the sexual organs) and the five objects of the senses ( sound, taste, touch, smell and the forms). 7. Desire, repulsion, happiness, sorrow, the aggregate, dynamic awareness, decisiveness, all these are briefly the various aspects of the kshetra (body) 8. Without pride, without pomposity, absence of cruelty, tolerance, straight forwardness, service to Acharya (the spiritual master), cleanliness, stability (of the mind), self-control. 9. Vairagya (absence of any feeling) towards the objects of the senses, absence of egoism, constant reflection of the pain and drawbacks inherent in the birth, death, old age and disease. 10. Disinterested, detached from the son, wife, home and the like, always even minded in both desirable and undesirable conditions. 11. Devoted to Me only without engaging in other yogas (activities) and evil pursuits, living in solitary places, disinterested in seeking the company of people. 12. Always absorbed in self knowledge, engaged in the study of philosophy and spirituality; all this is declared as knowledge and the rest is ignorance. 13. That which is to be known I will now declare to you by knowing which immortality is attained. The eternal Supreme Brahman is neither sat nor asat it is said. 14. Everywhere hands and feet It has, Everywhere eyes, heads and faces, everywhere in the world ears. Everything It envelops sitting. 15. Source of all the senses and qualities, but devoid of any senses, detached but bearing all, without qualities but partaker of the qualities. 16. Outside and inside of all beings, moving and non moving, and also very subtle and incomprehensible, far away but also very nearer 17. Undivided but situated in the beings divided, bearer of beings but also to be known as the devourer and illuminator. 18. Among the illuminated the very illumination , beyond the darkness It is said to be. Knowledge, to be known and the end of all knowledge, It is in the hearts of all. 19. Thus the body (the matter) and also the knowledge and the knowable all explained briefly. My devotee who knows all this by that understanding attains My State. 20. Prakriti (the Creative energy) and Purusha (the pure consciousness) know that they had certainly no beginning . All distortions and qualities know for certain arise out of Prakriti only.Code
#grabovoi #healing number #9609683 #said #arjuna #o #kesava #wish #know #about #purusha #pure #consciousness #prakriti #creative #energy #kshetram #field #matter #body #kshetragna #self #awareness #knowledge #purpose #lord #supreme #called #kshetra #who #knows #thus # #knower #knowledgeable #bharata #all #kshetras #material #objects #what #my #opinion #true #now #understand #me #briefly #its #variations #where #his #powers #described #songs #variously #seers #many #vedic #hymns #also #verses #brahmasutras #with #in-depth #analysis #mahabhutas #five #great #elements #ego #discriminating #intelligence #invisible #ten #senses #ears #skin #tongue #nose #hands #feet #mouth #anus #sexual #organs #sound #taste #touch #smell #forms #desire #repulsion #happiness #sorrow #aggregate #dynamic #decisiveness #these #various #aspects #without #pride #pomposity #absence #cruelty #tolerance #straight #forwardness #service #acharya #spiritual #master #cleanliness #stability #mind #self-control #vairagya #any #feeling #towards #egoism #constant #reflection #pain #drawbacks #inherent #birth #death #old #age #disease #disinterested #detached #son #wife #home #like #always #even #minded #both #desirable #undesirable #conditions #devoted #only #engaging #other #yogas #activities #evil #pursuits #living #solitary #places #seeking #company #people #absorbed #engaged #study #philosophy #spirituality; #declared #as #rest #ignorance #which #known #will #declare #you #knowing #immortality #attained #eternal #brahman #neither #sat #nor #asat #everywhere #has #eyes #heads #faces #world #everything #envelops #sitting #source #qualities #but #devoid #bearing #partaker #outside #inside #beings #moving #non #very #subtle #incomprehensible #far #away #nearer #undivided #situated #divided #bearer #devourer #illuminator #among #illuminated #illumination #beyond #darkness #end #hearts #knowable #explained #devotee #understanding #attains #state #they #had #certainly #no #beginning #distortions #certain #arise #onlycode

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