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Healing Grabovoi number: 9805297

Visva Rupa Darsana Yoga 1. Said Arjuna, You have spoken to me the most confidential and supreme subject of the inner self by which my delusion has gone. 2. O Lotus Eyed Lord, I have heard from You in detail the creation and the dissolution of all the manifested forms and also Your inexhaustible greatness. 3. O Superior among men, you have spoken to me about Yourself as You are. But I wish to see your Divine Form. 4. O Lord, if you think that it would be possible for me to see Your form, then show me, O Lord of all Yogas, Your inexhaustible eternal Self. 5. Said Lord Supreme, Behold Arjuna now my numerous and various divine and colorful forms. 6. See the Adityas, the Vasus, the Rudras, the Ashvins and also the Maruts. See now O Bharata, all the wonder, which You have not seen before. 7. O Arjuna behold in one place the entire universe, both dynamic and static, and also whatever you wish to see further. 8. But you cannot see Me with your ordinary eyes. I will give you supernatural vision with which you can behold the wealth of My Yoga. 9. Sanjaya said, Having said thus, O King, Hari, the Great Lord of Yoga, showed His divine splendor to Arjuna. 10. (Arjuna saw) Innumerable mouths and eyes, numerous awesome visions, many divine ornaments and a great many weapons in striking positions. 11. Wearing many divine garlands and garments, smeared with many divine perfumes and creams, incredible was the form of God, unlimited and many faced. 12. The splendor of the great Lord was like many thousands of sun ablaze in the sky at the same time. 13. There Arjuna could see in the universal form of the Supreme God, in one place the entire universe divided into many. 14. Then (having seen the form of God), Arjuna, struck with wonder, his hair standing stiff due to the feeling of ecstasy, bowed his head in reverence before God and spoke to Him with folded hands. 15. Said Arjuna, I am able to see O Lord, in Your divine body all the gods and living entities. Also Brahma, the creator sitting in the lotus flower, all the sages and many divine serpents. 16. I am seeing innumerable hands, bellies, mouths, and eyes. You are indeed every where with an unending form. O Lord of the Universe, I am unable to see the beginning, the middle and the end of Your universal form. 17. With Your crown, mace and weapon, Your effulgence is glowing in all directions, It is difficult for me to see your brilliance that is blazing everywhere like that of the sun which is immeasurable. 18. You are imperishable, the highest (knowledge) to be realized. You are the resting ground for this whole universe. You are the protector of the eternal dharma. It is my conviction that you are the most Ancient Being. 19. I behold You as the One without a beginning, middle or end, with infinite energy, innumerable hands and eyes like the sun and the moon. A blazing fire is coming out of Your mouth. And You are keeping the whole universe heated with Your inner glow. 20. All that is between the heaven and the earth, is pervaded by you only in all directions. Seeing your wondrous and terrible form all the three worlds are trembling with fear, O Highest Soul. 21. All the celestial beings are entering You only. Some of them are bowing to you with folded hands offering You prayers. Hosts of saints and seers are singing hymns of peace and chanting Vedic verses. 22. Rudra, Adityas, Vasus, Sadhyas, Vasudevas, Aswins, Maruts, Ancestors, Gandharvas, Yakshas, demons, siddhas (spiritually perfected beings) are all gazing at You with amazement. 23. Seeing Your mighty form with so many faces, eyes , mighty arms, thighs, feet, multitude of bellies and teeth, all the worlds are shaking with fear and so do I. 24. O Vishnu, looking at Your expansive form reaching out to the heavens, glowing with innumerable colors, mouth widely open, bright wide eyes, I am certainly terrified in my heart and lost my inner stability and tranquility. 25. After seeing Your terrible face with so many teeth I feel as if the fire of death is standing in front of me. I have lost my sense of direction and I do not know what to do. O Lord of all and Dweller of the worlds, be kind to me.
#grabovoi #healing number #9805297 #visva #rupa #darsana #yoga #said #arjuna #you #have #spoken #me #most #confidential #supreme #subject #inner #self #which #my #delusion #has #gone #o #lotus #eyed #lord #heard #detail #creation #dissolution #all #manifested #forms #also #your #inexhaustible #greatness #superior #among #men #about #yourself #as #but #wish #see #divine #form #think #would #possible #then #show #yogas #eternal #behold #now #numerous #various #colorful #adityas #vasus #rudras #ashvins #maruts #bharata #wonder #seen #before #one #place #entire #universe #both #dynamic #static #whatever #further #with #ordinary #eyes #will #give #supernatural #vision #wealth #sanjaya # #having #thus #king #hari #great #showed #his #splendor #saw #innumerable #mouths #awesome #visions #many #ornaments #weapons #striking #positions #wearing #garlands #garments #smeared #perfumes #creams #incredible #god #unlimited #faced #like #thousands #sun #ablaze #sky #same #time #there #could #universal #divided #into #struck #hair #standing #stiff #feeling #ecstasy #bowed #head #reverence #spoke #him #folded #hands #able #body #gods #living #entities #brahma #creator #sitting #flower #sages #serpents #seeing #bellies #indeed #every #where #an #unending #unable #beginning #middle #end #crown #mace #weapon #effulgence #glowing #directions #difficult #brilliance #blazing #everywhere #immeasurable #imperishable #highest #knowledge #realized #resting #ground #whole #protector #dharma #conviction #ancient #being #without #infinite #energy #moon #fire #coming #mouth #keeping #heated #glow #between #heaven #earth #pervaded #only #wondrous #terrible #three #worlds #trembling #fear #soul #celestial #beings #entering #some #them #bowing #offering #prayers #hosts #saints #seers #singing #hymns #peace #chanting #vedic #verses #rudra #sadhyas #vasudevas #aswins #ancestors #gandharvas #yakshas #demons #siddhas #spiritually #perfected #gazing #amazement #mighty #faces #arms #thighs #feet #multitude #teeth #shaking #do #vishnu #looking #expansive #reaching #heavens #colors #widely #open #bright #wide #certainly #terrified #heart #lost #stability #tranquility #after #face #feel #death #front #sense #direction #know #what #dweller #kind

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