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Weekly best healing Grabovoi numbers & codes list
· Week 47, 2024 ·

Removing the deep psychological root that causes the fear of abandonment or loss is one of the deep psychological effects that are formed as a result of childhood experiences such as neglect or separation from the essential people in life, such as parents. When you are exposed to these experiences, you have an unconscious tendency to seek emotional security in relationships in an unbalanced way. How does the fear of abandonment attract possessive people? 1. Searching for permanent guarantees: • After being abandoned in childhood, you may have a permanent need to ensure that the other party is by your side. • Possessive people display behaviors that are interpreted as permanent commitment (such as excessive jealousy or control), which provides a temporary sense of security. 2. Accepting control as a defense mechanism: • The fear of losing the other person makes you tolerate possessive and controlling behaviors, even if they are annoying. • This acceptance stems from your desire to avoid repeating the experience of abandonment at all costs. 3. Recreating Childhood Patterns: • Unconsciously, you may find yourself drawn to relationships that recreate the same dynamics you experienced in your childhood, where anxiety about loss is still present. • The possessive person recreates those feelings through their excessive attention, but at the same time feeds your fear of losing control. Why do possessive people feel temporarily relieved? 1. Feeling deeply connected: • Possessive behaviors show that the other person cares deeply about you, which reassures you that you will not be easily abandoned. 2. Feeling dual control: • Possessiveness makes you feel like you are in control of the relationship, which temporarily relieves anxiety, even though the control comes at the expense of your independence. 3. Filling an emotional void: • Possessive people tend to fill the void left by childhood neglect or loss, even if it is in an unhealthy way. The negative impact of this dynamic: 1. Reinforcing feelings of anxiety: • Although possessiveness may seem reassuring at first, it reignites the fear of loss when the relationship becomes threatened or when you feel suffocated. 2. Entering into unbalanced relationships: • Relying on possessiveness for security makes relationships full of restrictions and psychological pressures. 3. Low self-esteem: • Over time, you may rely on others to confirm your value, which undermines your independence and ability to build inner security
Removing the deep psychological roots of childhood emotional insecurity is an experience that profoundly impacts how you perceive relationships later in life. If there is no support or protection from your parents, it can lead you to seek out external sources to make up for this lack. In this case, possessiveness appears as a form of “caring,” even if it is harmful or suffocating. How does emotional insecurity affect attraction to possessive people? 1. Seeking security in control: • In the absence of a sense of security in childhood, you develop a deep need for someone to show excessive care or “possess” you to ensure that you do not lose them. • Possessive people provide a false sense of security because they give the impression that they are always there and monitoring every detail of your life. 2. Confusing possessiveness with love: • When love in childhood is conditional or infrequent, possessiveness can later be interpreted as a sign of love. • Excessive attention from the other party seems like an affirmation of your importance to them, even if this type of attention is restrictive or controlling. 3. Fear of loneliness or abandonment: • Feeling emotionally insecure makes you more likely to tolerate possessive behaviors for fear of losing the other person. • You may accept this possessiveness as a way to ensure the relationship continues, no matter how uncomfortable it is. Why does possessiveness seem so comforting despite its harms? 1. Compensating for emotional deficiencies: • Possessive people show excessive interest in you, which compensates for the emotional deprivation you experienced in childhood. 2. Believing that possessiveness means commitment: • You may have the false belief that if the other person is not possessive, they do not love you deeply. 3. Fear of the unknown: • Healthy relationships, characterized by independence and clear boundaries, may feel strange or unfamiliar to you because of your childhood experiences
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